Traits of Top Salespeople

"Top salespeople are listeners: they listen carefully to what their prospects and customers say instead of waiting for their turn to speak."

You don’t have to Always Be Closing!

You don’t have to Always Be Closing!

While I love the movie “Glengarry Glen Ross” I disagree that you should Always Be Closing (ABC). Instead, there are times when you simply need to ask an honest question and get an honest answer. I was reminded of this while reading “Brain Dump: 167 Tips & Tricks from a Six-Figure Sales Prospecting Legend” (citation below).

TIP # 32 If you’re notified when a prospect downloads materials from your website, send a very basic email asking if they received the download. No pitch. No asking for a meeting. No telling them how you work with other companies in their vertical. You’ll get many more responses this way, and you can gradually lead to next steps.


Subject: Your download of the Fantastic Possibilities Book, Joe …

Hey Joe – I noticed you downloaded the Fantastic Possibilities Book from our website. Did everything download okay?


Your Name

Carpenter, E.R. Brain Dump: 167 Tips & Tricks from a Six-Figure Sales Prospecting Legend (Kindle Locations 220-226). Forest Wade Press. Kindle Edition. (content reformatted to make it easier to read on this site)


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